Saturday, October 8, 2011

Do you have any idea how excited I am???

the pics to blog 073 

These two are coming in one week and five days! Yeah! I am so excited to see them both. Brian is going to hit up a little golf, while Lex and I catch up on a little shopping and goofin’ around town. Thanks for choosing to spend your fall break partying it up with us.

A couple weeks ago Alexa had a big mis-hap with her blog of over two years. She signed up for Google+. On her profile page for Google+ she noticed all of her photos, hundreds of them. Thinking that she didn’t want them on her profile page she deleted them. No warning or anything….but apparently when you upload pictures to your blog they are automatically saved to Picassa. And they are also put on your Google+ account. Sooo, when she deleted them off her Google+ profile, they automatically deleted them off of Picassa (go figure?) which pulled off and deleted every picture off her blog for the past two years. Absolute heartbreak. At Google headquarters they say, “there’s nothing we can do”. Seriously? The largest on-line company does not have back up? Gimme a break. But Lex is like my other kids…. always making lemonade out of lemons.

She started a complete new blog, and thanks to her amazing husband, has a new domain name all her own. It’s perfect and her blog is incredible. Just scroll down and look at the post of their apartment. Talk about crazy cute, amazingly talented, and makes you just want to move in!! Want to see it?? Go here! You won’t be disappointed, I promise!

See you two soon for a little go-cart racing, ear holding (ha), sleeping bag using (ha from Spencer), golfing, eating, shopping, laughing, game playing with a little competition, staying up late, movie nights, and fun times. Love you both!! xoxoxoxox

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