As the baby in the family, Zac gets to do some different things than the other kids got to do. There are some perks to being the youngest of five, but there are disadvantages as well. I just thought I'd share a little about my buddy, Zac. He is 6 years old and loves kindergarten. He has a great sense of humor and is rarely without a ball in his hands.
He gets to spend A LOT of time on the court. Mainly watching his big brother play on the high school team. But he also gets to watch Erin and Grace play as well. This year he was SO excited that he finally got to play on his very OWN team! Being the youngest of many basketball players in the family, he was able to surprise his coach with his knowledge of traveling, double dribbling, and 3 point shots. It was pretty funny.
Zac loves to be the post-game show and hang from the rim.
Here he is, with dad in the background, cracking up about something at Spencer's last game.
Zac is a mama's boy and a daddy's boy. There are times in his life when I am his one true love and there are times when his daddy is his number one hero. Above is a picture he made for me, folded it up and stuffed it into an envelope. He put it on my pillow for me to find. I just HAD to tape it up on my wall by my bed. I mean, who doesn't want to wake up to such a cute picture every day?? Because he is the last in the family, it means that he doesn't usually have the chance to get to bed too early. My first three kids were in bed so early each night because I needed my peace at night! But that meant they were up pretty early. Not Zac. He has a hard time going to bed too much earlier than the rest of the kids. It's just too noisy with too much fun going on. So that means he really sleeps in. But here is where it gets good for me.....every morning when he wakes up, he sneaks out of bed until he finds me. Then he tip-toes up behind me and gives me the biggest hug ever. And I mean EVERY morning. Don't you wish you were so lucky to start your day out like that???
All dressed up like an Indian, thanks to Alexa and the face paint.
Here is a perfect example of the difference between the first born and the last born. Alexa, I am certain, did not have rights to the hot glue gun until maybe 11 years old? 12? Something like that. I really don't think she ever even asked to use one. And here is Zac, six years old, glue gun in hand. Last Saturday he found a box of 300 large popsicle sticks. He asked if he could use the glue gun with the PROMISE that he would be so careful. Well, he was true to his word. He sat at the kitchen table with the hot glue gun and used every one of those 300 popsicle sticks for THREE HOURS creating all kinds of projects. He was entertained most of the afternoon and so proud of his "grown-up-ness".
* * * * *
And one more difference between the first born and the last is this: With Alexa (and Spencer as a baby), I took them to story time at the library EVERY Thursday when we lived in Tucson, AZ. The kids LOVED story time. They also loved checking out books and making crafts. A bunch of us ladies met at the library every week and after story time we would take our kids to McDonalds for lunch and play time. (do you remember this Hannah Ellsworth, Halie Mortensen, Tanner Weigel, Cody Davidson??) :)
As the last born, I am so sad to say that the first few years of Zac's life he would ask "Mom, can we go to that place where we throw the pennies?" Yes, you guessed it right. Zac has never, (uh, ya, never) been to Story time at the library. His experience with the library was simply throwing pennies in the water fountain out front.
There are differences between the first and the last and even being in the middle. I wouldn't change any of these experiences for anything. I am so thankful for my little buddy Zac!! He is funny, loving, happy, adventurous, and a great cuddle bug. More about the other kids in future's time for bed!!!
1 comment:
i always wished i could stay home from school for one of those story time/mcdonalds days! the first born in our family didn't ever get to do that. ;) i love the picture of zac just sitting next to the ball. so cute! it's about time you started updating again!
and whats this about 19 years? you and jeremy look way too young to have been married that long (although you do have a senior in high school). and that means you were practically newly weds when our families first met. weird!
can't wait to see what else you are all up too!
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