Wednesday, November 6, 2013

He doesn't leave us in the ashes

Just a few thoughts for the day.
Each of us have our own trials. And somedays they affect us more than
other days. But what a blessing it is to know that our loving
Father in Heaven is always there for us - on the good days
and the not-so-good days. I am forever grateful for His hand that is
always outstretched to us. He is always eagerly inviting us to 
come unto Him.

I am forever thankful for our loving Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ. 
I am thankful that they are always there to help us!
They want us to be happy. They want us to succeed.
They want to help us through the hurts and trials of life.
How thankful I am for the gospel of Jesus Christ which teaches
patience, unconditional love, forgiveness, kindness, and the pure love of Christ.


1 comment:

Cindy Sharkey said...

So nice Amy. Feels good to know that those arms are waiting to catch us and hold us.