Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Adjust the sails

monson quote As the winds come our way, and they invariably will, we can adjust our own sails. As we see others battling the winds in their own lives we can do little things that will help uplift and comfort them. It could be as simple as smiling, holding open a door, delivering a treat, stopping by to say hi, writing a letter. It has been said, “A very large ship is benefited very much by a very small helm in the time of a storm”. As we give cheerful service to others, and as we work through our own windy storms, let us be reminded that it’s often times the very simple, small, little things that mean the most. Just like the small helm on a ship helps it the most during a storm.


Cindy Sharkey said...

You keep my sail adjusted my Aim.....
Thank you.

lisalynn said...

Love this! Words of wisdom to live by. Thanks for posting this Aim. xoxo