This post is mainly for the Girls Camp Directors from each ward to see camp up on Cedar Mountain. Monday, June 18th was the designated day (after a few other failed attempts!) to get up to Girls Camp. We had a full truck, with Misha happily agreeing to drive (after my hubby got called to help with Scout camp this week -- meaning he needed my big car to transport boys early this morning). Stake Camp Leaders piled in and visited, planned, and talked about camp the whole way up and back.
Misha, Heather, Wendy, Jodi, Christa, Marie, and myself (taking the picture)
One of the FIRST things we were DYING to check out were the BUNKHOUSES. Now, let me tell you, I have been really hesitant about these bunkhouses (but trying to be SUPER POSITIVE, because I truly feel that however we present them to the young women is how they will view them). But after going up to camp, I SERIOUSLY LOVE THEM!! So, in the picture below, the door on the left goes into a little room with 2 triple bunks for the leaders. The other two doors are an opening into the same space, with 9 triple bunks (27 bed spots total) for the girls. There are vents above each door for air circulation. (there is a partitioned wall between the leaders space and the girls sleeping space).
I heard through the grapevine that a possible idea is to purchase some mesh screening from Home Depot, hot glue on heavy duty magnets and put it up in the door frames of the door for good air circulation. If you choose to do this, you can use the inside of the metal door frame – dimensions are 38 1/2 inches wide by 80 1/4 inches tall. I don’t know the cost of the mesh, so if you find out, let me know!!! This would prevent the bugs from coming in when it was dark. I have also heard to leave the doors OPEN during the day, so cool air can blow through all day long.
This picture (below) is taken from the door looking down into the bunkhouse, with the last door open. They really are more spacious than I though they would be. Bags, etc can be stored under the first bunk. The beds measure 30 inches wide (with a 5 inch railing on the 2nd and 3rd bunks), the bunk is also 72 inches long (6 feet). The metal stirups (they look like stirups from a saddle!), are to step on to get up to the bunks. They work really good! We decided to try it out for you, see below. I was pretty certain that I would be bringing a tent for us as leaders to sleep in, but I’m staying in the bunk house!! (leaders must be in their own area, with the young women in their own sleeping area). I seriously loved them. How fun it will be for all of the girls to be in there together, instead of some girls in one tent and a few more in the other ones. The total length of the outside of the bunkhouse is 40 feet long. (in case you want to put your banner up on the outside). The pictures don’t do justice. I really think they are going to have a lot of fun! Please make sure that your girls do not bring large, oversized mats to sleep on. The railing is only 5 inches tall, so you won’t want to go over that for sure.
Below is a picture of the leaders quarters, two triple bunks. Another possible thought we had is to bring up a small tent for a “changing” area for anyone who might want a bit more privacy without tying up the bathrooms. Or if leaders were going to sleep in tents, you could make the leaders bunk area a changing area. Just ideas :)
After checking out the bunks, we took a brief break for lunch, picnic style. This is one of the two covered Pavilions at camp.
Neither of these two pictures, above and below, show how cute the second pavilion is. It has a fireplace and plenty of seating for all as a nice gathering spot. Please make sure your girls bring their own camp chairs for your camping area!
Next, was the Amphitheater. The ladies are standing on the “stage” part of the amphitheater. It is about 23 feet wide and 14 feet deep. It isn’t as big as I thought it would be. Keep the dimensions in mind when working on your skit or lip-sync. There is plenty of log seating for everyone when we gather here. There will be a microphone and speakers, etc to play your song on, if needed.
A view of the Amphitheater from the log seating area.
Everyone will get the chance to have a bathroom cleaning day….the list of duties doesn’t look too bad! The bathrooms were locked, but 8 wards will share two bathrooms that each consist of 4 sinks, 7 flushing toilets and one (cold) shower. Please be reminded that water levels are low (with a high fire danger). The girls need to bring their own 2L bottles filled with water if they want to wash up or wash their hair once at camp.
When you drive to camp (I will be sending you more detailed directions), you actually come to the Upper Camp first. This is where we will be camping. The other Santa Clara Stake comes up the same day that we do, so there could be plenty of traffic coming up. I would plan on 2 hours from Santa Clara to Camp.
While some of the leaders were checking out camp, the rest of us went with my dear friends Mark and LynAnn to scout out a 3, 4, and 5 mile hike to go on. Thankfully Mark brought the 4 wheelers, so our exploring went so much faster. The hikes are going to be so beautiful! PLEASE make sure you take your girls hiking a couple times before camp. This hike has uphill and downhill areas, so it will be a good challenge for all of us! If you’re missing your weeks workout, you’ll make up for it on this hike! Also we are suggesting FIVE water bottles per person for the hikes. It could be really hot, and the hike is not shaded at all. A camelback is also a good idea if you, or any of the girls have one.
The volture that we saw staring at us while on the 4 wheelers!
Thanks to Mark and LynAnn, they know all of the landowners up in Cedar and were able to get us special permission to use private property to go on our hike. It is a gorgeous area, one we can reach from camp. THANK YOU MARK AND LYNANN!!!
Here is a picture of a campsite from Girls Camp (above). PLEASE NOTE YOU NEED TO BRING YOUR OWN SHADE STRUCTURES FOR YOUR CAMPSITE!!!
Here is another picture of the Bunk house. There are two oversized picnic tables at each camp site. Their dimensions are 45 inches wide (just under 4 ft wide), and 8 – 10 feet long. One table was 8ft long, the other one was 10 ft long. I would think that all of the girls could fit around the tables. You can also pull up a couple of chairs on the ends of the tables. You may want to bring TWO more tables, one for FOOD PREP and one to serve dinner from. Just an idea ;) There is also FIREWOOD, FIREPIT, and WATER SPIGOT at each campsite!!
Special thanks to the Stake Ladies who came up today to help out with everything that needed to get done. Thank you for measuring, helping sort things out, planning, organizing, hiking, discussing, and answering SO many questions!! It was a great day – and we are all SUPER SUPER EXCITED for Girls Camp in July! It is going to be so much fun!!! I will be sending out to CAMP DIRECTORS a few more reminders, etc. very soon!!
Christa and I chillin’ in the back on the way home. I sat up in the front on the way there, so I figured I better share shot gun!! It was a great visit to camp and I hope that these pictures help you as you plan for your ward’s camp. Truly the bunkhouses are really cool, the spirit at camp is amazing, the weather was perfect, and you couldn’t ask for better company!
Special thanks to Mark & LynAnn, Misha, Jody, Marie, Heather, Wendy, & Christa. Your help, opinions, and thoughts were invaluable today!! I so appreciate your happy dispositions, sweet spirits and willingness to help out.
Please feel free to give me a call with any questions!!!
1 comment:
As a side note....a cheaper option for the screen doors is to use tulle (tutu fabric) and magnets to make a screen door. :)
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