Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The boring life of a 2nd grader with a broken collarbone…


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The first two days were ok around here. Zac was showered with plenty of attention by his brother and sisters. But he soon found out how utterly boring it is to simply not be able to do anything! No big water slide in the backyard, no recess, swings, bike, scooters, soccer, football, swimming, nothing! He has not been too happy wearing his sling every day. He does look forward to taking it off at night to sleep. He has to sleep on his back, with a pillow over his arm to remind him to keep it close by his side. He took his little froggy and put it on his pillow to keep watch over him all night. Although it has felt like weeks, he has only had it for 8 days…..roughly 3 weeks left to entertain a very bored 8 year old!

Love you Zac!! xoxooxo mama

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