Friday, July 8, 2011

Some summer fun

It's been a busy start to the summer here preparing for the wedding, Open House, and Reception for Lex and Brian. In between planning, preparing, baking, shopping, spending, saving, and starting to go a little crazy, we did fit in some fun.

Spenncer's Varsity basketball team took the Bronze at the Utah Summer Games.

That week, between Spenc playing basketball and Grace playing soccer, I drove to Cedar City nine times that week! It was fun filled and everytime someone asked me if my list was long of things to get done for the wedding, I had to reply, "Oh, I'm not thinking about wedding this week (the week before the wedding!! ah!!), I'm busy with these summer games" It was truly all I could do was focus on the event at hand. No need to worry about something you couldn't control or work on! We love Utah Summer Games!! Grace's soccer team got a little more coverage with my camera...see the following post!

Erin and Spencer had the opportunity to go on the Pioneer Trek with about 400 other high school age kids for three days. They had a great time. They had to work hard. One thing Spencer said when he got home was...."Brenden and I decided that one of the top five qualities we want in a wife is a hard worker!" The kids who didn't do much on the trek really bugged him! He is a hard worker just like his dad!

Miss Ashlynn gets to spend fun summer days with us!

Mikelle, Zac, and Grace playing it up on the tramp with the sprinklers and water balloons on a HOT summer day!!

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