Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A little dining room make-over

Sometimes it takes me awhile to fully complete a project.
I painted the dining room wall a light blue and finally made the bird curtains I had been planning to make. Then last Friday afternoon I ran into this beauty at a yard sale for $10. With some wonderful Goop Off to take off the many stickers that was stuck to it and a very handsome helper (mr. Zac), I set off to work. Zac was very helpful in taking off all of the drawer knobs. Spencer was highly skeptical that I could make this into something that could look good in our house. With a couple cans of spray paint and some sandpaper (for that roughed up look) that dresser now sits in the dining room off to the side to hold all of the "piles" that USE to stack up around here.

Zac, hard at work.
My lovely bird curtains with awesome "balls" at the bottom.

The finished dresser, that looks really cute in person!
Zac asked if he could have a drawer for his art things. I was happy to share one with him. One drawer holds bills, one holds wedding papers, another holds blank paper. When Zac was telling Jeremy that he got his own drawer, Jeremy asked him, "Do I get a drawer, too?" I replied, "Oh yes, you get a drawer! The top left one!" (it's filled with the bills!) :)

*I really wanted to buy clear, crystal like knobs for the dresser,
but being that they were $3.99 each (=$24 total), I said no way! *

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