Friday, December 10, 2010

Christmas Tradition

This is the TRADITION!
Every Christmas while wrapping gifts, this movie MUST be on!! Last night I roped my most amazing husband into wrapping with me. A little early than usual, but here's why. I bought a cute little Christmas Chapter book to read to Zac / Grace at night. Last night I read the first two chapters and in the second chapter the sneaky little boy in the story went snooping around his house (mainly his mom's closet) until he found a couple of his very cool Christmas presents. I could see the wheels turning in Zac's head as I read that chapter. Hence, as soon as I kissed the kid good night, I was with hubby in locked bedroom, playing movie above, wrapping to our hearts delight! I don't ever put out all of the presents at once. A couple here and a couple there. But at least now if there is a said snooper, all he (or she) will find will be fully wrapped presents. WIN? I'd say YES!!
I love Christmas Traditions, especially when it involves this movie!!
xoxoxoxoxo Aim

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