We had a very memorable family night. Great lesson, thanks Spenc. Super singing, thanks everyone. Emotional prayer, thanks again Spencer. Everyone loved on Lex during our "last" family night together before she heads off to college Wednesday morning.
Family Night activity started innocently with this blue ball. (well there was an orange
ball involved too, but it was this blue ball that was the center of all the action tonight).
One of our most favorite family night activities is Ball Tag (yes, in the house). There are different ways we play...sometimes it's Ball Freeze Tag, other times just Ball Tag. Tonight there were two balls in play, and if you were hit with either one of them you were "IT". Since there were two balls, there could be two IT's.
ps look at Gigi in the background
I guess you could say that I started it. Well the trouble that is. I had the blue ball and spied Spencer in the kitchen. He was taking a big drink of milk. It's true that I did aim to hit his cup while he was drinking. But seriously, if you know my aim, I was certain that I wouldn't hit it. Well I did. Not too much of a milk splash. I am uncertain of the events that occurred next. Alexa either saw me hit Spencer or after she got ball-tagged by him and saw him drinking his milk had the same brilliant idea that I did. Throw the ball while he was drinking. And that she did. Only this time his milk splattered all over his face. (insert a lot of laughter right here)
The war had just began. Next thing I knew he chased her to the living room (thank goodness for hard wood floors) and threw his cup of milk on her. Ya, I witnessed that. But really, my floor was in need of a good mopping, so it was ok. She chased him back into the kitchen where he pretty much got a good hold on her. He was leaning her into the half eaten frosted cake on the counter. She reached into the cake, grabbed an entire handfull and threw it back on him. (insert a ton more laughter here)
The war continued. Within 3 mintues, the entire cake was all over Alexa's face, Spencer's legs, their shirts, in their hair, all over the counter, floor, dishwasher and everywhere else you could think of. (again, they were laughing their heads off)
Seriously, this does happen at family night. Not very often, but it does. What's that saying "Don't cry over spilled milk", or squished cake all over your kitchen. Seriously.
They must have mopped 4 or 5 times. I must have mopped 4 or 5 times. It was a tough clean up job. But fun none the less. A memory maker. And a good one at that.
p.s. I'm pretty sure you might be able to find some post-fight/mess pictures on miss alexa's blog :)
hahahahahahah best. family night. ever! (p.s. i think i still smell like lemon cake!!)
(and I'm sure your kitchen is cleaner than mine due to such antics...)
love from your big sister
one day, i'll have a family like this. :)
Man, I'm such a bad mom. I would totally be yelling at them to stop and clean up their mess. "Clean up, clean up" is probably all my kids hear. Sigh.
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