Friday, September 12, 2014

Are you a flip flop lover?

I love flip flops. I could seriously be happy wearing them every day.
It only leads to one problem : summer feet / cracked heels / ewww!
Good news! I have a great, easy way to get rid of them AND
keep them away!!

 {photos courtesy of the internet, cause I don't have cracked heels anymore!}

First, after a hot shower, take a foot scrubber like this and scrub off
all of the hard, cracked, darkened, dirty skin on your heels. It might take
awhile, but just keep on scrubbing.

Second, lather them up with this miracle cream: CETAPHIL Moisturizing Cream.
I get mine at Costco. It is usually about $11, but there is a sale going on right now
where you can purchase up to 4 jars for $7.49 each! That is an amazing price!
You can put a pair of socks on over the cream, but I feel like the socks are 
sucking up all of the moisturizer, so I put little plastic baggies on my feet.
I know, crazy, but also true.

Don't miss a night! If you are worried about your sheets getting greasy, then you can
lay your feet on a little piece of wax paper or a baggie (but don't use a baggie
 if you have little kids who come and crawl into bed with you at night - I don't anymore!)
Every night you will seriously feel your feet begging for you to put this on.
And soon enough, your feet will look {and remain!} clean and moisturized
and amazingly perfect. Even if you wear flip flops every single day like I do!
{again photo courtesy of the internet since my feet only look like the "after" photo!}
......and if' you're lucky enough you can get your hubba-hubba-hubby to
massage the cream into your feet each night.
Feels so good!

1 comment:

Cindy Sharkey said...

Doing this in Hawaii for sure. Flip flops everyday...whoopie